Maélie Adoudou

Maélie Adoudou

FR  38 years old
A crazy girl who likes feeling the fresh air on her face, feeling small in the nature/cities, sleeping in her tent, meeting people (even if she is a little shy and introvert). Otherwise, she doesn't really know who she is and traveling seems to be the best way to discover it... At present time, She in New Zealand travelling by bicycle.

New Zealand

November 2017 - March 2018  •  123 days  •  424.7 km

Dans le cadre d'un Permis Vacances Travail, je me lance à la découverte de la Nouvelle Zélande principalement à vélo... C'est parti! Within the frame of a working holiday visa, I am discovering New Zealand by bicycle (as much as I can)... Let's go!